
6 Mart 2013

This week, our issue was Instructional Goals and Objectives. Mr. Neufeld wanted to create an account to https://www.teacherportfolio.cambridgeesol.org/ for reflecting our weekly opinions about course methods. He also introduced us new website whose name is https://bubbl.us/. Using this site, you can create concept maps. It is very enjoyable and useful.

13 Mart 2013

Behaviorism is this week's issue.We learned what the differences are between operant and classical conditioning. We watched some videos from this website http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-difference-between-classical-and-operant-conditioning-peggy-andover 
  • First hearing the bell neutral
  • Meat is Uncondition Stimulus.
  • Bell is Condition Stimulus.
  • Salivation is Uncondition Response.
  • After the experiment salivation is Condition Response.
In this video, Classical Conditioning is Involuntary Behavior. Ivan Pavlov had done an experiment on his dog. First of all, Pavlog rang the bell and then fed the dog with meat. He repeated this several times. Thereby, after hearing the bell, the dog begin to salivate. According to this experiment :
Operant conditioning is Voluntary Behavior. There are two main components of Operant Conditioning: Reinforcement and Punishment. Reinforcement is into two parts which are positive and negative reiforcement. While positive reinforcement is addition of a stimulus, Negative is the removal of a stimulus. To exemplify, if your mother thanks to you when you washed the dishes, It is positive reinforcer for you. Another example is that as a result of not doing homework, parents do not allow their children to watch television. Punishment is not supported method.
End of the course, it is utilized this website  http://socrative.com/
  There is a mini quiz about classical and operant conditioning.

20 Mart 2013

This week's issue was Conditions of Learning. We took a lot of handouts about verbal information intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills, and attitudes about learning strategies.There are examples and performances for matching.One handout was about problem solving, rule learning, concept learning, discrimination learning, verbal association, chaining, stimulus response and signal learning. There are pictures and it is wanted to us matching pictures and these strategies. Lastly, we learned the Gagne's Nine events of learning.In order to learn better to Gagne's nine events, we wrote the process of Turkish coffee production adapting Gagne's steps.

Here is a video about the Gagne's nine events of instruction. It is really helpful and funny :))

27 Mart 2013

This week, our subject was cognitivism.When processing this issue, we watched videos about brain.These videos are really interesting especially one of them is real brain. Moreover, a woman who was paralyzed a period of life talked about her story and processing of recruitment.Then, Mr. Neufeld wanted to us drawing a model of brain processes.Lastly, we did memorizing activities.For example, there was a picture included many irrelevant objects. We looked this picture a moment and tried to remember then write a paper.And we did a similar activity about memorizing letters.

3 Nisan 2013
The covered topic was "constructivism" in this week. Mr. Neufeld gave us handouts. We had some tasks about the topic. One of them compared the traditional classroom and constructivist classroom.This activity was clear to understand. In constructivist classroom, student's more active. Then, we read Mr. Dunbar's and Mrs. Smith's approaches in class and discuss it.

13 Nisan 2013
Today we did online course. Everyone joined the Google Hangout. It was really enjoyable. This course, Mr. Neufeld mentioned about multiple intelligence and he wanted to us join Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences test. After this quiz, we learned our predispositions. I think everybody should do this test and learn their tendencies.

17 Nisan 2013

Today, we divided into 3 groups and worked with pod board. Our topic was about robots. We searched the topics "Can robots learn and Can robots teach."After the research, we learned that robots can both learn and teach. We wrote the information one topic to one side of the pod board and another one is another side. After that, we presented our topic. Main purpose of  this activity is using and designing the board. I think, the most beautiful, regular and carefully-planned board is ours :)))))))

8 Mayıs 2013

This week, we worked with curricula. That is to say, we made a mini presentation about our project.

15 Mayıs 2013
Today, three groups in class present the different topics during 45 minutes. Next week, me and my partner Özlem will present our topic "Learning Body". This is our first teaching experience. Today's groups behaved as a teacher. They were inspired from their teachers especially Mr. Neufeld because two group used  http://socrative.com/  and they showed us many videos :)We enjoyed this experience. I am really excited for next week :)))

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